Hi, I am Jorge

Software Engineering Graduate

//Junior Software Developer at Trubshaw Cumberlege, ltd.

My skills


My main motivation while writing code is always to solve a problem, and the more complex they are the more interesting they become to me and as results the more focused and motivated I become 😆


My main skill definitely. Libraries: JQuery, ReactJS (Next too), ExpressJS, SocketIO, Jest and Node as a Runtime Environment.


I've used this language with popular frameworks such as Angular and React to effectively reduce the likelihood of runtime errors in the browser, and to improve modularity and bastraction in the codebase.


Definetely the library I'm most comfortable with. Been mastering it for at least 3 years with at least 1 year of professional experience. Learnt skills such as state management, customized hooks and scaling-up components

Automated UI Testing

Designed and Setup frontend test to be run automatically using libraries such as Cypress and Playwright. Without forgetting to add unit tests for components using Jest.

Cloud computing

I've used cloud computing services such as Heroku and AWS to deploy some of my projects and maintain complex architecture for other production environments.

Backend Technologies

Including Ruby (Rails), Python (Django), PHP (Laravel), NodeJS used to develop high performing server-side applications.


Mainly involved in data analysis exercises and machine vision models. Libraries such as TF, Pandas, Numpy and Matplotlib.


Taught in Uni, I managed to master most important features such as multi-threading, the Spring framework and general OOP principles.

//Use of git and github for version control

My Professional Experience

Junior Software Developer

Jun 2021 - Present

Trubshaw Cumberlege, Ltd.

Our goal has been to create a new integrated social risk management platform to improve social performance in the most complex areas of the planet. To do this, we started the project from scratch last summer and it has been evolving over time in regards to complexity, software architecture and libraries employed. In terms of my responsabilities, I've been mainly focused on the development of the frontend features of a React application that allows users to evaluate risks for key assets, set alert states and report incidents using a browser map library (MapBox). Similarly, I've taken an active role proposing solutions for some backend issues as well as writing them myself when required. On the side you can see some of the most interesting features I've developed so far.

  • Incidents

    Report incidents in a specific geolocation and display them on a Map (Mapbox).

  • Alert States

    Display alert states for the regions and counties of a country.

  • Restriction Boxes

    Draw polygons that define an out of bands geospatial area.

My projects

  • Spunchers.io

    A Multiplayer Online Game developed fully in JavaScript. Includes 3 game modes and 5 characters with different guns. It is hosted on Heroku and uses AWS Route 53 for DNS networking.

    Technologies: NodeJS, Socket.io, ExpressJS, Webpack, HBS and Jest (for testing purposes)

    Source code:

  • PokeAPI UI

    A simple UI developed in Angular that displays data (including images) about all the pokemons stored in the API's database

    Technologies: Angular, TypeScript and Bootstrap.

    Source code:

  • Cyber Run

    2D Platformer game fully written using Java, some basic game development principles are followed to achieve things like collisions and sprite animations.

    Technologies: Java

    Source code:

  • DragJoystick UX

    Prototype interface for DragJoystick, a package I developed that provides support for games running on mobile devices.

    Technologies: Bootstrap, ReactJS, GlideJS and AOS

    Source code:

  • Land Page

    Landing page developed with React for a PHP project.

    Technologies: ReactJS and Glide

    Source code:

  • E-commerce Data Exercise

    Data Science exercise for an e-commerce dataset with 10,999 entries. Includes an exploratory data analysis, data processing and the implementation of 2 ML models.

    Technologies: Scikit-learn, Pandas, Seaborn and Numpy

    Source code:

  • Heart-Attack predictions

    The aim of this exercise was to implement an accurate model that can predict whether an individual will have a heart attack based on previous records

    Technologies: Scikit-learn, Pandas, Seaborn and Numpy

    Source code:

//Hover to read more details about the project

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